600 Sessions get rewarded with a Squid Game experience.

Last Month Nicole and I were fortunate enough to treat Ivan, Lucy, Pab and Jacob to a free Korean Dinner to celebrate their shared milestone of completing 600 CFMR sessions.

Jacob and Pab were both original CFMR members and have been with us for 6 years. We are absolutely stoked at their consistency and strength to endure so many brutal sessions hahah

I still remember when Jacob came in and checked us out, we were madly drilling the pull up rig to the wall and he just calmly walked in and enquired whether CrossFit would help him surf better and do his job as a roofer. When Jake is in a class, he quietly moves thru his workouts like a fine tuned athlete, without any hoopla full of humility. He is super inspiring to be around.

Pablo was memorable too, he was an accountant and never had done much fitness prior. He even was a no-show at his first free intro class. But slowly kept turning up and getting stronger in mind and body with each passing week. He is far from a sedentary accountant nowadays. A pleasure to coach, and knows how to make the best BBQ Ribs I have ever tasted!

Ivan is the quickest 600 athlete we have ever had. He has only been with us for 2 or so years - but his passion for the sport of CrossFit is truly amazing. He comes pretty much everyday and is always keen to learn more and help others too. He now has convinced his partner to join too, which is fantastic!

Lastly Lucy has not only done 600 sessions with us but also had a second child whilst training at the gym. Not on the gym floor haha . But it would not surprise me - she is truly a machine too. From memory her no holds barred efforts at CF competitions have been both inspiring and terrifying as she quietly pushes her limits throwing barbells over her head, followed by a nervous giggle as her barbell gets thrown down to the gym floor.

In all, the common theme they spoke about was that the uniquely supportive community was the thing that kept keeping them coming back. If we had a gym full of Ivans, Lucys, Pabs and Jakes we would be in safe hands.

Thank you guys for trusting your health and fitness in CFMR and we look forward to serving you all for many years to come! xx

Nicole Robinson