CrossFit Movie Night
August 2021
At CFMR we say we are more than just a gym. Our Movie nights would be one way we show this. Every few months we all cram into the gym, bring out the projector, pop corn and partners to watch a movie together.
This August we watched the latest CrossFit documentary that follows the best CrossFit athletes in the world to see who will be crowned the fittest on earth for that year. CrossFit’s global aim is to be the world’s leading platform for Health, Happiness and Performance. The CrossFit games is the tip of the performance aspiration.
It is also an opportunity to hear Coach Ben make a few jokes about his own performance and that next year, will be the year he goes to the Games. Jokes aside for many of our Members getting a chin up is their ultimate aim in CrossFit and we welcome all levels of ability.
At the recent movie night one of our members commented “how nice it was to go to an event in Margs that does not have alcohol as its central focus”. We don’t tell members not to bring alcohol, but many of our members who have decided to have a closer look at their health, find it refreshing to reduce their alcohol intake or stop it altogether.
Tia Toomey (AUS) and Matt Fraser (USA) won this years event, however Matt Fraser has now retired. So next year could actually be Coach Ben’s chance of being crowned Fittest on Earth ;)
The film is a great watch and may just inspire you to get fit (ter) again too! Click link below to view trailer -